This guy is NOT a fucking pistol player. You can tell. "i own two tpx's". That doesn't make you a pistol player. Going out and fucking playing with the pistols, and by that I mean not having them ride around in holsters, makes you a pistol player.
1:50 How can throwing it in your gear bag damage it if it's made by Tippmann and it can never break?
2:35 Authentic barrel scratching barrel blocker action! OMG it's so cool, it's like the 90's again!
3:03 "If you've got this holstered..." Hey buddy, why would you have your gun holstered? Maybe you need to free up your hands for some cross-country skiing?
The whole reasoning behind why the barrel plug is cooler than a bag is just stupid. The only reason you need a plug is because the front end is too fucking fat for a standard barrel sock.
3:55 "It's a Tippmann product it will never break on you." What the fuck dude, is this a fucking paid advertisement? The 8-round mags were Tippmann products too; why did they have to switch to 7 rounders in the first place given this logic?
4:40 "Any X7 threaded barrel will work." BULLSHIT. Pull your head out of your ass and try again.
5:40 Starting to talk about the fucked up plug like he's some kind of old timer. He's not. The old technologies were not necessarily better either. The lever changer on the SA-17 works better, or at least did before they fucked up. Clearly Tippmann has not been in the sport long enough to realize that 12g lengths CAN FUCKING VARY. He's just babbling now.
6:15 The whole point of the pierce assembly is the fact that this gun is NOT designed for pistol players; it's designed for assholes who tote their pistols around in holsters all day.
7:19 The idiot lanyard. In case you're an idiot and you drop your entire fucking gun or something. Maybe it falls out of your gay decorative holster.
Notice they didn't put a retainer on the CO2 plug, which you are MUCH more likely to drop. Real fucking smart.
7:35 "Ergonomical" is not a fucking word. Are you fucking drunk again?
7:43 "If you're left or righty, it feels awesome." Although the safety and mag release are not ambidextrous. Way to point that out. Asshole.
7:50 You know you have to drill the fucking hole yourself if you want to run remote? Fucking lazy ass Tippmann.
Fucking Tippmann shill.
Journalistic integrity: I'm betting this guy was given his TPX's.