Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I was taking a look at the other FS options available to see where my mag would fit in and decided to maybe do a rundown of some of the other options.

The first is the CCM SR1.

I do not get this gun at all.

It's a fucking single shot paintball gun.

I don't see much interesting or special about the gun. It apparently takes AR-15 accessories, but big fucking deal. Real firearms stuff doesn't always make sense when carried over to paintball (hello facemask?); Hell some of that stuff doesn't even make sense in its own field.

It's a spring+hammer poppet valve. Proprietary barrel. CO2 in the magazine along with regulator. (Kudos for actually putting a fucking regulator in there. In fact, that is the *only* good thing about this gun.)

The only thing I see here is that stupid faux shell making it easier to breech load rounds. Which is kind of fucking stupid to begin with. A properly designed breech would fix that. Or how about a properly designed magazine?

The bolt action is hilariously long due to the shell. You only need to move a bolt like 0.750" or so. Cycling a bolt 3-4 inches for a fucking 0.680" round is re-fucking-tarded.

The worst is all the fucking ridiculous ass-kissing going on with the gun. Why is everyone incapable of calling this thing out for what it is -- a fucking stupid gun? Everyone is breaking themselves trying to kiss CCM's ass.

Watch the stupid ModernIntel "preview". Do they cover the valve type? Is the action ambidextrous? Is there a safety? Do they mention any regulation? Do they mention how to even adjust the fucking velocity? How to change the CO2? Any mention of efficiency? Oh, but it's "Well balanced." And it's "Very cool." Oh, limited paint "makes you pick your shots"? You know what else makes you pick your shots? JUST PICKING YOUR GODDAMN SHOTS. If they made a talking rifle like the Auditing Morningstar which constantly reminded you to pick your shots, would you be like, "OMG that's awesome!"?

And how about this "opinion"?  The entire thing makes no fucking sense whatsoever.  I think I'm going to dedicate an entire post tearing this piece of shit apart.

$450 for just the incomplete kit, but you know that CCM being CCM will probably blow the price of this thing easily past that for just the single shot version if they ever decide to fully release it. Oh and that only includes 3 shells. It does come with allen wrenches apparently though, lol.

For what is effectively a bolt-action SpydeR1.

There's a paintball player born every minute.

The only way I see this gun being viable is if they flat out change the rules, such as at Living Legend, where pump guns can chrono at 300 while semis chrono at 280.  I would not be surprised if they found a way to further bend the rules for CCM seeing as the drive to kiss ass is so rampant.

That does remind me -- a friend of mine said he was getting an SR1, so I said we should have a FS shootout.  He immediately started laying out ground rules for the engagement.  "No bunkering, no getting within 50 feet, blah blah blah etc etc."  Go figure.