Friday, November 30, 2012

Camera Notes: Drift HD Ghost

Also neglected to mention this one...  The successor to my favorite Drift HD is now out.

It looks like it's pretty much the same as the Drift HD, with a few deltas:

  • Higher video quality is claimed, dunno what they mean by this
  • Two-way remote for positive confirmation of status
  • Remote is still flat, which is kind of fucked up IMO
  • Continuous/tag mode; probably good for a car camera actually; not sure how useful it will be for paintball
  • Wifi -- they're a little vague about what can be done with the Wifi, just like every other fucking manufacturer is vague about this shit.  I got three letters for you assholes:  API.
  • Still photos during video recording -- not sure how useful will be for paintball
  • Buttons are on top; slight improvement, makes them easier to find.
  • Screen and housing it are slightly different; slight improvement, might be easier to clean
  • Status LED on front; meh.  Technically a disadvantage for paintball.  Electrical tape that bitch up.
  • 60/100/120fps modes
  • Selectable CODEC
  • More than an ounce heavier -- BAD

So it has some neato features, but I'm not sure if the majority of them are a benefit for paintball.  The features they added seem to make it more suited to a car cam or pet cam or something.

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